Chaos Shadow is a transformation that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spinoffs published by Archie Comics It is an exclusive form of Shadow the Hedgehog 's, achieved when he removes the Inhibitor Rings around his wrists By doing so, he gains unlimited Chaos energySonic brings his trademark Super Sonic transformation with him to Super Mario Bros Z, although given the nature of Mario games it's possible that Sonic may gain some other forms as well Super Sonic is Sonic's traditional transformation, which grants him greatly enhanced abilities and a new gold/yellow color scheme In the past Sonic has needed to collect all seven Chaos Emeralds inChaos Form It's a new form a character can reach, like super and hyper It can only be drawn out by an extreme amount of sadness or pain, or it can be drawn out by anger and hate It quadruples the user's power, allowing near impossible things to be possible (like holding up a planet)
Uzivatel Nibroc Rock Na Twitteru Well To Be Fair Sonic Was Calmed Him Down And I Think That S Why He Went Back To Normal